Barbar King NFT

Barbar King superhero is coming back. He is a famous character from a real application game, which was active online due 2014 - 2020. The game was actually an intro to further development, but King became a hit right away. King became so famous and such a popular character that he really stayed with fans and people who really love him.
This is the first NFT from the collection, which is announcing his return! A collection will be made as NFT's Kings Supreme, to be able to expand further.

Part of the amount will be invested in to the NFT's, to the game, to build a platform for mining and gaming, and the most important part is, they will fight real crimes as we face them in real life.

You do not believe it. This character was used by special access and CIA, while proving Havana Syndrome attacks. It is projected on the screens of entire world special access network, while we are fighting further for a better future of all of us.

Yes, you heard it correctly! Barbar King in real world hero, showing the smart link between real life, real news and real economy, politics and finance, expressed through intelligence sectors, impacting real world agenda.

First real live environment game, compliant with mental state standards, and possibly to mine, develop, buy, sell, create a profit, advertise, ... The best is, this is as well first and only NFT's which are supported by real gold standard. We created gold standard for this collection, to protect your investment. 

At purchase you will receive part of the investment in a real Swiss and USA certified 24 carats, 999.99 gold. We would like the king lives and brings real profits longer as anyone else, so we give a warranty, that at purchase of NFT by us directly, gold is delivered to you. If you sell NFT further, you can sell it with gold or without. Depends how much you are willing to profit. What a great King Elite Club. Join and you will notice a difference.

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